You awake, bound to a chair, in a dimly lit and heavily curtained room. Shadowed figures surround you. In front of you is a wooden table upon which sit two large fish bowls, each full of etched tiles. What has happened?
Of all the bad luck. You've been abducted and brought to the Mansion of Broken Dolls, where you will be forced to serve as a slave. Well, there's nothing for it. There's no hope of escape.
All new slaves of the Mansion must be assigned a role before they can be trained to serve. The roles, however, are randomly assigned. It's sort of a game of chance, you see, and the stakes are your body and mind. Your fate now lies with the wooden tiles in those two bowls.
The first bowl will dictate your style -- the manner of outfits you wear or the kinds of things done to your body. The second will give you your role, or the manner of duties you will perform. What the tiles say, you must be.
No complaining! It's tradition. And you're in no position to buck tradition, are you? The Headmistress of the Mansion steps from the shadows to draw your tiles. It's time to learn what Fate has chosen for you...
There, now, that's not too bad, is it? We hope you enjoy your assignment, because there's no backing out now. You'd better just get used to the idea. Now, off to orientation and training!